Walnut Tree Chapter 5192 – Exaltation

On Tuesday 4 th February 2025, 17 members and guests of Walnut Tree Chapter gathered at Halsey Hall Cheshunt in excited anticipation to witness the exaltation of W Bro. Paul Pritchett into Royal Arch Masonry, the Chapter’s first exaltee for 8 years. The Chapter was missing a number of members due to ill health and unavoidable absence and were grateful for the assistance of guests to perform parts of the ceremony and give Paul a memorable ceremony of Exaltation.

Companion Victors Medenis, a close friend of the candidate delivered an excellent and entertaining rendition of the Principal Sojourner’s work. As an added surprise for the candidate, his proposer into Freemasonry, Companion Paul Simpson attended the meeting without his knowledge and acted as 1 st Asst. Sojourner which only came to the Candidate’s notice when he was restored to light. The Chapter also had the benefit of the attendance of the Provincial Grand Mentor, E.Comp. Rod Kent and Provincial Grand Membership Officer, E.Comp. Peter Young both of whom made a valuable contribution to the enjoyment of the meeting. E.Comp. Peter delivered an excellent explanation of the signs and E.Comp. Rod, in addition to acting as DC for the evening, welcomed Paul on behalf of the Province, presenting him with a booklet explaining features of the Royal Arch and exaltation ceremony and giving him an
excellent explanation of the jewel of the Order.

The ceremony was superbly conducted by the MEZ E.Comp Tony Cook, supported by E.Comp. David McPheat (H) and the Deputy Grand Supt. E.Comp. Robert Asser who acted as J and delivered the mystical lecture.

The meeting was a wonderful example of Companions pulling together for the benefit of providing Companion Paul with a ceremony I’m sure he will remember.

Robert J Asser
Deputy Grand Superintendent