The Provincial Grand Almoner provides support, guidance and advice to all Chapter Almoners within the Province of Hertfordshire and works closely with his counterpart in the Craft. From time immemorial Freemasons have supported those in need, encompassing the basic principle of caring for others. A key value in every mason is the importance of looking after the welfare of fellow Freemasons and their loved ones. Our Almoners are central to the provision of pastoral care in masonry and the office is often considered to be the most important of all roles within our Chapters.
The role of the Chapter Almoner
Almoners in all orders fulfill a similar role in looking after the welfare of their members and their families. The Royal Arch Chapter Almoner maintains contact with all of the Companions but in particular keeps in touch with those who do not regularly attend meetings.
Click here to download the latest Almoners guide.
Masonic Charitable Foundation
The Foundation helps Freemasons and their family or dependents who have a financial, healthcare or family need, to access a range of services available to them. Their website provides a wealth of useful information for Almoners, please click here to access the Almoners Resources section. https://mcf.org.uk/resources/almoner-resources/
Contact the Provincial Grand Almoner
To get in touch with your Provincial Grand Almoner, please email: almoner@herts-chapter.org.uk