Monday the 28th of October was James Sharpley’s last attendance as Most Excellent Grand Superintendent at Hertfordshire First Principals Chapter prior to his retirement. Little did he or others at the meeting know or expect that when the advertised talk had finished the Chapter would be called off for period. During this time our Deputy Grand Superintendent David Hampton presented him with gifts from the Province, culminating in £2500 worth of travel vouchers for Jim and his wife, Heather.

David gave a warm and entertaining talk about what Jim had brought to the Province over these last 10 years as MEGS. James thanked all for the gifts and more importantly for all the support he had received during his tenure, not just from the members of his Executive but also from all the Companions of the Province.
Note the Chapter meeting was Called off for the presentation so photographs could
be taken. It was called back on after to allow the meeting to continue.