Companions all, I bid you a hearty welcome to our Provincial Convocation. Although it is through no fault of our own, I am sorry that we cannot hold our Convocation at Great Queen Street in the splendour of the Grand Temple due to the Rail Strikes and of course we will also have to forego the pleasure of the company of our usual guests both Provincial and personal. Nevertheless, I do thank you all for attending our hastily rearranged venue and for your forbearance on the late changes that we have been forced to make. I must also comment on the fact that, even with the transport difficulties that are evident, we still have a good representation from our Danish Companions who have made a long trip to be with us today.
On a happier note, I am pleased to have been able to appoint and promote Companions deserving of such honours and in thanking you for your past efforts I trust that your new ranks will give you a renewed impetus to promote our Order and assist your respective Chapters to flourish in the future. You will all be aware that I have today promoted E Comp. John Linley to Third Provincial Grand Principal and I trust that you will afford him a warm reception as he visits your Chapters during the coming year. His appointment sees the retirement of E. Comp Roderick Kent who has done much work during the past year and for which I and the executive thank him most sincerely on your behalf. It is intended for Rod to take on the ‘soon to be ratified’ role of Provincial Grand Mentor and he will be available to help you in this respect. I expect that you will still see him visiting for a while yet companions.
We now have a new Pro First Grand Principal in the person of Most Excellent Companion Jonathan Spence who is likewise the Pro Grand Master of the Craft. In the past, both the First Grand Principal and the Past Pro First Grand Principal have stated that the next step after the Craft Degrees should be to the Royal Arch before any others for the brethren to complete their journey through Pure Ancient Masonry. This view would also be of benefit to our brethren who would wish to extend their Masonic experience by joining other Orders for which membership of the Royal Arch is a necessary requirement. With his new positions the Pro First Grand Principal has launched a new seven-year strategy to strengthen the link between the Craft and Royal Arch and he has charged the Provincial Grand Master and myself to make all matters in this respect to be seamless. Companions, it is now expected that all Craft and Royal Arch units should work on a “Yes If” basis and not a “No Because”. In other words companions, make things happen in any way that you can rather than to say “it can’t be done” because of some arbitrary reason. Change that reason for something that will enable you to achieve your goals and remember that the Provincial Executive is always here to help you where we can.
We still have challenges to deal with regarding our membership which was somewhat depleted by the Coronavirus Pandemic in that we could not perform any ceremonies for some considerable time. This has resulted in a reduced amount of new Master Masons becoming available for the Royal Arch and as I said last year, we must make efforts to persuade those Master Masons of many years standing to take that last step to complete their journey through Pure Ancient Masonry and discover those secrets which were lost and likewise to re-engage those Royal Arch Masons who’s membership of the Order has ended for whatever reason. Invite them into your own Chapters and enjoy your meetings together. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “The future depends on what we do in the present”.
I am pleased to tell you companions that our social events have been restarted and we have already had the Royal Arch Golf Day organised by E. Companions Peter Cox and Gerry Greenland and a successful Sunday Lunch which was sold out and a great time was had by all. Our thanks go to E. Comp David Hampton for organising this event and both events have already been booked for next year. Likewise, we are looking forward to our weekend away on the weekend of the 18th of November and which is also very well attended and organised by E. Comp Tim Huckle.
We already have some important events on the calendar for next year, E Comp. Philip Masters has again arranged for a Prostate Screening which will take place on Saturday the 25th March at this very Centre in Cheshunt and I urge you to book in for a test, I have. Philip, we all thank you for your efforts with this important venture.
Another event which is intended to take place in February next year is a seminar for Almoners following on from the success of this years’ effort.
With regard to our Danish initiative to assist with Denmark acquiring its own Supreme Grand Chapter, I can tell you that after many years of hard work both by us and our Danish Companions, it is intended for a delegation from Supreme Grand Chapter, hopefully led by the Pro First Grand Principal, to travel to Denmark on the weekend of the 10th March 2023 to Consecrate the Supreme Grand Chapter of Denmark. It might provide an opportunity for a contingent to travel from Hertfordshire and enjoy the spectacle of this rare occurrence.
Regarding our Charitable efforts, I would remind you Companions that the smaller Charities in the Province still need our help. Should any of you feel that you want to assist these Charities then please remember the match funding by the Province with which our Provincial Charity Steward, E Comp Clive Bradnum, can advise you as well as setting up a Relief Chest if your Chapter does not yet have one. Our Initiative last year of First Aider Training for our Masonic Centre Staff has now almost been completed with one centre still to go. I would again like to thank Dr. Robert Gurney and Paul Walker for their time and efforts which was completely free of charge.
Companions, as we near the completion of this Provincial Convocation you will be aware of the many hours of hard work that have gone into producing today’s annual event and especially on this occasion with the last minute change of venue, my grateful thanks go to: –
My Deputy, E. Comp David Hampton for his continued support in which he has ensured that we continue to serve you well and makes sure that I am aware of everything of importance and his assistance to me has been invaluable.
To the Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra, E. Comp David Broomer, and his team for their tireless work over the past year.
To the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, E. Comp James Angus and his team for their escorting duties and the clearing of the Coronavirus backlog of Centenaries and Banner Dedications since the return to masonic activity.
And to the Provincial Grand Treasurer, E. Comp Tim Huckle for keeping a vigilant eye on our finances.
Companions I look forward to your company at dinner which for the first time in this Province will be in this building and to the pleasure of your company next year and as I always say, please bring another Companion with you.
May the True and Living God Most High Bless you all.