At the Annual Royal Arch Golf Day held on 12 th July 2019 at Redbourn Golf Club, Mrs Elaine Clift was at the dinner hosted in the evening by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, James Sharpley, to present the inaugural ‘Ian Clift Memorial Trophy’ to the winner of the best score on all the par 3’s during the day. As there were 47 golfers playing that day and the trophy was hotly contested but the eventual winner was E Comp Roy Hay of Letchworth Garden City Chapter No5109. Unfortunately, E Comp Roy was unable to be present at the dinner but was presented with the trophy after the event.
E Comp Ian Clift, Immediate Past Deputy Grand Superintendent had been ill for some time prior to his passing in August 2018 but Mrs Elaine Clift thought it only right that we should celebrate his achievements by presenting this Memorial Trophy, in memory of a good friend who helped put this Annual Golf Day well and truly in the centre of the Hertfordshire Royal Arch social calendar.
Photo Elaine Clift presenting the trophy to E Comp Roy Hay